week 3-4


linger. amid busy schedules, a tiny date makes a huge impact. i’m thankful we have the chance to work on big dreams. but i also cherish the time we can sit for bit and carve out a small moment to recharge. – O

wander. I have such a large appetite for travel, but with two wee ones, it’s not the most plausible. This is probably the reason I live for weekends – the opportunities for our little family to rediscover our neighborhood and the surrounding towns. One balmy Saturday afternoon we took an unplanned pause at the Sutro Bath ruins en route to our preplanned destination. Everyone was out that day, but instead of the cacophony of boisterous tourists, the San Francisco coastline was particularly calm. It was just what we needed to recharge, reconnect, and create a fond memory. – N

week 2-26


worship. one of the things i love most about church on sundays is the liturgy and the altar. the beauty and intentionality of worship time is so welcoming, refreshing and life-giving. i’m not just sitting as a spectator. i hear, smell, taste, touch, talk, sing. i walk up to the table and acknowledge again how much i need God’s grace. i remember his goodness and his forgiveness. -O

leap year. They say it all goes down hill from here. The weeks leading up to my 30th birthday, I believed it! I didn’t think the apprehension of turning another decade older would hit me so hard. But now that I am on the other end of it, I’m starting to think the best is yet to come! Betty Friedan articulated it so fittingly: “Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.” Here’s to aging gracefully and graciously! -N

week 2-5


valentine. i came home to this love note one day. fran stuck it on a random spot on the wall and it’s been up there for months. we keep things simple around here, and that’s just the way i like it. the small, everyday expressions of love and care sustain me more than the once-a-year romantic gesture. i’ll take a hidden note in my bag or a last-minute road trip over chocolates and balloons any day. – O

order & chaos. It’s been a little of both this past week. We found ourselves in moments both thrilling and frustrating, stressful and tender. Truth is, life around here isn’t always a bed of roses. Everyday is an exercise of patience, wisdom, forgiveness, and finding a happy medium between the two. – N

week 1-29


not alone. two of our friends got married on saturday. there were candles and flowers everywhere. it was beautiful. there were also friends everywhere – we had so much fun! it had been an overwhelming week and the sight of so many friends was comforting. thoughtful questions, genuine concern and heartfelt hugs are what i will take away for this coming week to remind me that i’m not alone. – O

instaddicted. Do you have an Instagram account? Beware. It is addicting! This week I decided to take part in an IG community project called #FebPhotoSkill, and this here snapshot got a cool little mention. That’s a first for me, and I have to admit, it feels pretty good. I’ve always loved picture taking/making since polaroid film was plentiful. Now, the possibilities are inexhaustible in our digital age. My mom and I joke about how I have (maybe) two good photos of when I was a baby as opposed to the hundreds I have of my boys each month. Jokes aside, take a gander. There is a boatload of inspiration to be had. – N

week 1-22


peace. i’ve been sick off and on this month and have spent a lot of quiet time at home.  although i’ve felt very unproductive, i’ve enjoyed padding around our tiny home.  it’s a place of peace, where the lamb is safe and the tiger isn’t allowed to get any closer.  it’s a place with spare furniture, but warm colors.  it doesn’t always get good natural light, but hopefully it’s a place that reflects comfort and welcome. – O

heritage. This past week marked the beginning of the lunar year. Tết (Vietnamese New Year) has become an important and special holiday for me since meeting my husband and his family 14 years ago. Every year since then, I’ve grown more and more in my appreciation for the traditions that have shaped their cultural identity. Honoring and remembering those who have come before us is something that I hope to instill in my little ones so that they might understand what a rich heritage they have. – N

week 1-15


rain. i snapped this shot after spending a nice afternoon trolling the bookshelves at powell’s and grabbing coffee at albina press.  yes, portland has lots of rain, but it also has restaurants with amazing food and the best coffee around, small, creative shops that thrive on local business and an overall vibe that is unpretentious.  works for me. – O

cook. eat. clean. repeat. Cooking and I have been getting along lately. The boys and I have a pretty good rhythm to our day where we can accommodate more “elaborate” meals. It also helps that I have an enthusiastic little sous chef to assist me in the kitchen. Oh, but home cooked meals ’round here take quite a bit of planning from the grocery shopping to the food prep to the clean up. I’m bracing for when my two little ones become big ones with considerable appetites like their daddy. I’m hopeful that by then, I’ll be a super efficient, coupon-wielding, meal planner extraordinaire. And the best part? The boys will be tall enough to reach over the sink and wash all the dishes. – N

week 1-8


sit down. there’s nothing i enjoy more than sitting down to a meal at home.  we take our time. we talk about our day. we make plans. but, not until i take the requisite picture of our meal. someone once asked me why i take so many pictures of food.  well, for many reasons.  the main one is to remember the ordinary moments that, when put together, become a gallery of love and gratitude. – O

vacancy. My two-year-old opened the door to our guest room only to find that his tita and tito (aunt and uncle) were no longer there. Our home feels emptiest when the people that filled it brought with them warmth, joy, wisdom, and hospitality. It doesn’t hurt that they also cooked a delicious meal for us too. – N

week 1-1


home. after landing in pdx from a two-week visit to the bay area, fran and i took the red line home.  we were tired but anxious for the year to start.  there may be some changes on the horizon, but i’m glad to know we face them together. – O

first sky. Day one always holds so much anticipation, excitement, possibility. There is that renewed pressure of taking inventory and setting goals. Funny that we spent a good amount of it napping. There was, of course, the partying night before that did it, but perhaps it was a good way to set the tone for 2012. I have the propensity to seek out the fireworks and pomp in things, but I hope to save a lot of room for rest, stillness, and simplicity. – N